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Acupuncture and Dry Needling at PhysioLogix Physiotherapy


What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a cutting-edge, evidence-based technique that physiotherapists utilise to manage pain and treat both acute and chronic injuries. Unlike traditional acupuncture, which focuses on energy flow, dry needling targets specific trigger points in the muscles, providing immediate relief of tension and promoting faster healing. It allows precise access to trigger points and muscle tightening in deep locations that are otherwise difficult to access with traditional soft tissue mobilisation. 


Why Choose PhysioLogix for Dry Needling?

At PhysioLogix, our physiotherapists aren't just trained; they have extensive experience in dry needling. With our comprehensive assessment approach, we don't just treat the symptoms; we delve deep to identify the root cause of what is causing tigger points. Our experts will meticulously assess your body to locate trigger points responsible for referred pain. Using fine needles, we precisely target these points, ensuring minimal discomfort while maximizing relief. The result? Improved muscle activation, enhanced muscle length, and a significant reduction in pain.


Conditions Benefitting from Dry Needling:

Acute and Chronic Overuse Injuries:

  • Muscle Strain: Rapid relief from muscle tension and spasms while also promoting blood flow. 

  • Tennis/Golfers’ Elbow: Stimulating affected forearm musculature to promote the healing and reduce the time frame of recovery

  • Impingement Issues: Excessively tight muscles can lead to impingement issues. Targeted release through dry needling will assist with alleviating discomfort.


Spine-Related Conditions:

  • Sciatica: Can cause muscle spasm which drives further pain and leg discomfort. Specific muscle release can assist with decompressing the affected nerve root in the spine and reduce pain. 

  • Cervicogenic Headaches: Dry needling can be a game-changer for those suffering from cervicogenic headaches. By targeting specific trigger points in the neck muscles, we can alleviate the tension that is causing the headache. This not only provides immediate relief but also addresses the root cause, preventing future occurrences.

  • Chronic Low Back Pain: While many might resort to pain medications or even consider surgery, dry needling offers a non-invasive alternative. By targeting and releasing trigger points in the muscles of the lower back, dry needling can provide immediate relief from pain and stiffness. Furthermore, it promotes blood flow to the area, accelerating the healing process and restoring normal muscle function.

  • Cervical/Thoracic Pain: dry needling targets muscle knots and trigger points, releasing tension and alleviating pain. It also promotes muscle relaxation and increasing blood flow, assists in correcting postural imbalances, ensuring that the pain doesn't recur. This approach not only provides relief but also empowers individuals to maintain a pain-free upper spine in their daily lives.


Upper Limb Conditions:

  • Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: This is when the shoulder blade compresses or "impinges" on the rotator cuff tendons and bursa. This compression can lead to pain and restricted movement. Dry needling can be instrumental in alleviating this pain by releasing tension in the surrounding muscles, reducing inflammation, and promoting optimal shoulder mechanics Alleviate pain caused by the shoulder blade pressing against the rotator cuff.

  • Rotator Cuff Strain: Dry needling can provide targeted relief by addressing specific trigger points in the affected muscles, promoting healing, and restoring strength and flexibility to the shoulder.

  • Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis: Dry needling can play a pivotal role in the treatment by breaking down adhesive tissues, reducing muscle tightness, and increasing blood flow to the area, thereby accelerating the healing process and restoring mobility.


Lower Limb Conditions:

  • Patellar Femoral Joint Pain: Dry needling can help by releasing tension in the muscles that influence patellar tracking, thereby addressing the root cause of the pain and ensuring smoother knee joint function.

  • Patellar Tendonitis/Tendinopathy: Dry needling can be beneficial in treating this by targeting the affected area, reducing inflammation, and promoting the healing of the tendon tissue.

  • Achilles Tendinopathy: Dry needling can alleviate this pain by targeting trigger points, increasing blood flow, and promoting tissue healing, ensuring a quicker return to normal function.

  • Plantar Fasciitis: Targeted relief for pain in the heel and bottom of the foot.

  • ITB Band Syndrome: When it becomes tight or inflamed, it can cause pain on the outside of the knee. Dry needling can address this pain by targeting the tight or inflamed areas, reducing tension in the ITB, and promoting balanced leg mechanics.


Experience the PhysioLogix Difference:

Our commitment goes beyond just treatment. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and understanding. When you choose PhysioLogix, you're not just getting a treatment; you're embarking on a comprehensive rehabilitation pathway designed for long-lasting success.


Ready to experience the transformative power of dry needling? Book an appointment with our expert physiotherapists today and take the first step towards recovery.


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