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PhysioLogix Physiotherapy

What is that pain in my upper back?

Chances are that if you’ve been to the gym, playing sport or have been doing some hard manual work and started experiencing any of the following it’s likely to be a costovertebral joint sprain (which is where rib joints articulate with the upper back).

  • Sudden onset of upper back/rib pain during exercise

  • Subsequent stiffness after exercise especially the next morning

  • Pain located on one side of the upper back with occasional pain referral along the rib, into the chest or into the shoulder blade

  • Symptoms made worse when coughing, sneezing, taking a deep breath or twisting

This is one of those conditions where people tough it out over a number of weeks but is easily solved through hands-on physio and home exercises. Physiotherapy management of this condition primarily focuses on getting the joint moving again and addressing any subsequent muscle spasm over the affected rib joint. This is one of those problems that responds quickly to this approach and putting up with pain over extended periods of time is not necessary allowing you to get back to doing the activities that you enjoy.

As always if you have any questions feel free to swing by the clinic in North Perth or give me a call as I’m always happy to have a chat.



PhysioLogix Physiotherapy

326 Fitzgerald St North Perth

Ph 045 007 5955


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