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PhysioLogix has moved!

PhysioLogix Physiotherapy

Dear Friends and Patients,

I am excited to announce that we will be moving to a new nearby location in West Perth on Newcastle St with the clinic opening on the 12th of January. As many of you from around the Malaga location would have noticed PhysioLogix has consolidated to 1 location. The move has allowed the clinic to expand to incorporate Pilates, both supervised and unsupervised gym rehabilitation as well as more treatment rooms.

Since PhysioLogix opened on January 2016, your loyal support has helped us grow, and we now need more space to offer expanded physiotherapy services to get the best outcomes for you.

I realise that change can be difficult, but I hope to make the transition as smooth as possible for you. I will be there to help and have included all the details regarding out new location, including address, phone number and opening hours below.

Looking forward to bigger and better things this year, as well as seeing you at our new location. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or come by the office.

Best Regards,

Vincent Harvey

Senior Physiotherapist and Managing Director


Suite 6/567 Newcastle St

West Perth

Perth, WA 6005


Opening Hours

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